Wednesday, February 21, 2018

~Hunter's Eagle Court of Honor~

We are so proud of Hunter for earning his Eagle Scout award.  I know he couldn't have done it without his amazing scout leaders; Bart Schenck, Kirk Jensen, and Randy Bird.
There was quite a few boys in our ward who have finished their eagle scout in the last 5-6 months, so we moms thought that it would be great to do a big Court of Honor for them all.  It turned out amazing! The boys who had earned their awards tonight were Hunter, Ethan Opheikens, Easton Mckay, Jake Ballard, Isaiah Wood, Dallin Cook, and Davis Cope.  It was a packed house.
It was fun to have Hunter receive his eagle with the boys he's gone through the scouting program with.  They've made a lot of good memories together for sure.
Brex and Spencer are super sweet to come and support their friend.

We ended the evening with a dinner.  Chili cheese dogs and pot luck.  It was such an enjoyable evening with family and friends.  It is true what they say, "It takes a village to raise a child".  I am so grateful to have the village that we do.
Way to go Hunter!!! We are so proud of you and all your hard work to get your Eagle Scout.  You are such a good example to your siblings. ;)

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