Monday, February 26, 2018

~Jazz Pregame Entertainment~

Lexi and Mckell's dance group, Dazzle Dance, was asked to perform at the Jazz game for the pregame show.
The girls did a great job.  I always love watching them do what they love.  After their performance, they were able to get their pictures taken with the Jazz Dancers.
We stayed to watch the Jazz win the Dallas Mavericks.  I love spending time with my people. :)

We had a fun night at the Jazz game.  Not many can say that they've danced at a game.  Hopefully my girls know how lucky they are to get the opportunities they do.

Friday, February 23, 2018

~Great Way To Start Presidents Day Weekend~

Our Presidents Day weekend did not start out on the right foot.  The kids had Friday off of school for a teacher contract day.  Since Hunter had a high school game that day,  they decided to have an early practice right before the game.  Hunter hadn't been at practice for more that 15-20 minutes when I got a call from him telling me to come and pick him up because he just broke his nose.  He and another boy collided during a shooting drill.  I thought he was kidding, but he said hurry, so I ran right back up to the high school.  The minute I saw him I knew he wasn't kidding.  His nose was so crooked, so we headed straight for the Instacare.

They took one look at him at the Instacare and said we needed to see an ENT, so we headed straight to Mckay Dee Hospital to see Dr Scheuller.
Dr Schueller took one look at Hunter and said,  "Yes its broken"  He told Hunter he had 2 options;  they could put his nose back in place right now which was very painful but would make his nose feel better more quickly or they could wait a few days for the swelling to go down and then come back in, they'd give Hunter an IV and put him to sleep and then they would put it back in place.  Hunter chose to do it right then.  He's Crazy!!! But tough.
 He had broken all 3 bones in his nose.  He will be out for 2 weeks for basketball (which is the rest of the season), but what do you do?  He gets to sport this nice nose cast for a week or two to help protect it from getting bumped back out of place.  Poor kid!
We hadn't been home 30 minutes when Lexi came in my room screaming.  She was throwing a big metal ring from a stool into the air, pretending that she was in the circus.  It came down and hit her on the mouth breaking her front tooth in half (for the 3rd time).  Good thing we have connections and Richard got us right in to fix it.
What a day!!!

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

~Hunter's Eagle Court of Honor~

We are so proud of Hunter for earning his Eagle Scout award.  I know he couldn't have done it without his amazing scout leaders; Bart Schenck, Kirk Jensen, and Randy Bird.
There was quite a few boys in our ward who have finished their eagle scout in the last 5-6 months, so we moms thought that it would be great to do a big Court of Honor for them all.  It turned out amazing! The boys who had earned their awards tonight were Hunter, Ethan Opheikens, Easton Mckay, Jake Ballard, Isaiah Wood, Dallin Cook, and Davis Cope.  It was a packed house.
It was fun to have Hunter receive his eagle with the boys he's gone through the scouting program with.  They've made a lot of good memories together for sure.
Brex and Spencer are super sweet to come and support their friend.

We ended the evening with a dinner.  Chili cheese dogs and pot luck.  It was such an enjoyable evening with family and friends.  It is true what they say, "It takes a village to raise a child".  I am so grateful to have the village that we do.
Way to go Hunter!!! We are so proud of you and all your hard work to get your Eagle Scout.  You are such a good example to your siblings. ;)

Thursday, February 15, 2018

~Ice Castles~

For years I have wanted to go and check out the Midway Ice Castles, but every year seem to miss it because we get so busy.  This year I was determined to make it.  I bought the tickets back at Christmas time for Martin Luther King Day, but had to reschedule because Hunter ended up having basketball practice, Dave had to work, and Lexi and Mckell had dance that day.  The only time I could reschedule was for the first part of February.  I kept my fingers crossed that it'd still be open because it has been so warm this year.  But we made it!!!  It was really cool to see.
Hunter and Dave thought they'd be funny and pretend to pee.  Boys!!! Can't take them anywhere, lol.
My cute family!!! I was so glad we made it when we did because they decided the next day to close for the season.  It was just too warm and things were melting too badly.  We did get dripped on a lot while we were there, lol :)  Glad we finally were able to make it to the ice castles.  It was definitely worth it.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

~Flying Fun Day~

Garrett was able to go and fly at IFLY for his preschool fieldtrip.  He was so excited!!!  Normally Garrett is super cautious, but I think parasailing (and maybe age) has broken him from always being afraid.  I heard him telling his friends not to be scared and just to fly with him, cause it would be fun, lol.  It was good to see him being brave when it came to this kind of stuff.
Garrett getting all suited up.
Garrett was a natural.  He kept his body straight and really made flying look easy.  He LOVED every minute of it.