Friday, July 29, 2016

~Martin Luther Weekend in Leeds~

We decided to leave the cold temperatures for some not so cold temperatures in St George for the Martin Luther Weekend.  We invited my side of the family to come with us and Hunter had Calvin and Ryker come too. (none of Mckell's friends could come on such short notice) It was a fun little get away.
Since Jerry and Darinda's pool was not up and running, we headed over to the sports complex to do some swimming.  The kids had a lot of fun, and the boys had fun playing basketball against older kids on the courts.
Garrett is still my little fraidy-cat.  He wouldn't go down these little slides to save him.  He had fun just splashing around watching the other kids go down the slides.
Easton was a little dare devil.
We spend a couple days over to Sand Hollow doing some Razor/four wheeler riding.  The 2nd day just the boys went out riding.  Hunter was way too brave on the Razors :(
He's lucky he and Ryker didn't roll.  I would have never let this happen if I had been with them.  Crazy boys!!!
It was a fun relaxing weekend.  Much needed!!!!

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