Sunday, July 31, 2016

~Disneyland 2016~Day 1~

Disneyland is my all time favorite place.  I have been so excited to go on a family vacation with all of the Wangsgard side of the family.
We are leaving On a Jet Plane!!!
A good man in our ward lost his wife to cancer this past Christmas.  He gave some very good advice when he spoke once.  He said "Someday is not on the calendar.  You may always say someday I'll do this, or someday I'll do that.  He said you've got to make those memories now.  Because if you wait for someday, it may never happen"  Dave took this advice to heart.  Our kids are growing up.  Now is the age where Disneyland is the funnest, so he decided we should splurge this trip and stay at the Disneyland Grand Hotel.  It freaked me out a little, because it was way more than I was planning on spending for a hotel, but it was fun to stay right on the property.  I never got so sore that I couldn't walk anymore (which usually happens on every single Disney trip), it was fun to stay right on a Disney property, and have the early entry every day, and it was nice to have souvenirs delivered right to your room.  I'm glad we did this at least once.
We were in Disneyland over my birthday, so Dave decided to surprise me with something sweet.
After checking out the rooms, we decided to go and check out the hotel and find somewhere to eat.  We found a cute place in the hotel called Storybook Café.  I'm not sure it was super kid friendly.  The drinks were served in glass goblets, which Garrett broke on his lap within the first 10 minutes.  Dave was so embarrassed.  All I could do was laugh.  Glass and water were everywhere.  We had 3 waiters immediately around us cleaning things up.. Super embarrassing!  After that Garrett was super ornery.  He was whiney, loud, and not very much fun.  Dave and I were ready to kill him.  Luckily, he soon fell asleep right at the table.
He looked so cute and sweet once he was asleep, lol.

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