Sunday, July 31, 2016


Since we were staying at the Disney Grand, we were able to get into California Adventures 1 hour early.  Whoot! Whoot!
We headed straight for Radiator Springs Racers.
 We didn't even have to wait in line to visit with Lightning McQueen.
Garrett loved the carossel.
Hunter wasn't feeling very good.  He was coming down with something, poor kid :(
The Blue Bayou with our glow drinks.
Garrett's favorite ride was Star Tours.
He is our Star Wars fan.  We are loving every minute in Disneyland.
We are such mean parents to make Garrett go on Tower of Terror, lol.  I think we scared him for every other ride we went on this trip, hahaha.

~Disneyland 2016~Day 1~

Disneyland is my all time favorite place.  I have been so excited to go on a family vacation with all of the Wangsgard side of the family.
We are leaving On a Jet Plane!!!
A good man in our ward lost his wife to cancer this past Christmas.  He gave some very good advice when he spoke once.  He said "Someday is not on the calendar.  You may always say someday I'll do this, or someday I'll do that.  He said you've got to make those memories now.  Because if you wait for someday, it may never happen"  Dave took this advice to heart.  Our kids are growing up.  Now is the age where Disneyland is the funnest, so he decided we should splurge this trip and stay at the Disneyland Grand Hotel.  It freaked me out a little, because it was way more than I was planning on spending for a hotel, but it was fun to stay right on the property.  I never got so sore that I couldn't walk anymore (which usually happens on every single Disney trip), it was fun to stay right on a Disney property, and have the early entry every day, and it was nice to have souvenirs delivered right to your room.  I'm glad we did this at least once.
We were in Disneyland over my birthday, so Dave decided to surprise me with something sweet.
After checking out the rooms, we decided to go and check out the hotel and find somewhere to eat.  We found a cute place in the hotel called Storybook CafĂ©.  I'm not sure it was super kid friendly.  The drinks were served in glass goblets, which Garrett broke on his lap within the first 10 minutes.  Dave was so embarrassed.  All I could do was laugh.  Glass and water were everywhere.  We had 3 waiters immediately around us cleaning things up.. Super embarrassing!  After that Garrett was super ornery.  He was whiney, loud, and not very much fun.  Dave and I were ready to kill him.  Luckily, he soon fell asleep right at the table.
He looked so cute and sweet once he was asleep, lol.

Friday, July 29, 2016

~Jazz Game~

Dave had tickets to the Jazz vs Bulls game tonight, so he decided to take Hunter for a boys night out.
They had great seats, and the Jazz even won!!! Whoo-hoo!!! They had a lot of fun!

~I Love this Sweet Boy of Mine!~

Garrett is such a sweetheart!  The other day he made me breakfast in bed, lol.  As you can see, I think he thinks I need to be on a diet, lol!!!
I love how excited and proud he was to surprise me with breakfast in bed. He really is such a sweetheart!!!  I am so grateful that I am his mom!
He brings so much joy to our family!!!

~Treehouse Museum with Lexi's class~

I love going with my kids on their fieldtrips!  I know I've said this before, but I love seeing how they interact with their classmates.  It was so fun to go with Lexi and her class to the Treehouse Museum.  It was really fun watching her perform on stage.  She was chosen to play the part of the queen, in a different country's version of Snow White.  She cracked me up.  She gets so into her parts, lol.  She's such a cutie!
After the treehouse Lexi and I went and got lunch.  Just the 2 of us.  I love these one on one times I get to spend with my cute kiddos.

~AAU Tournament~

Hunter was asked to play with a team that was being put together to play in an AAU tournament.  They ended up winning it.  Way to go boys!!!

~Martin Luther Weekend in Leeds~

We decided to leave the cold temperatures for some not so cold temperatures in St George for the Martin Luther Weekend.  We invited my side of the family to come with us and Hunter had Calvin and Ryker come too. (none of Mckell's friends could come on such short notice) It was a fun little get away.
Since Jerry and Darinda's pool was not up and running, we headed over to the sports complex to do some swimming.  The kids had a lot of fun, and the boys had fun playing basketball against older kids on the courts.
Garrett is still my little fraidy-cat.  He wouldn't go down these little slides to save him.  He had fun just splashing around watching the other kids go down the slides.
Easton was a little dare devil.
We spend a couple days over to Sand Hollow doing some Razor/four wheeler riding.  The 2nd day just the boys went out riding.  Hunter was way too brave on the Razors :(
He's lucky he and Ryker didn't roll.  I would have never let this happen if I had been with them.  Crazy boys!!!
It was a fun relaxing weekend.  Much needed!!!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

~Jennys Jazz Winter Dance Recital~

I love watching Mckell and Lexi dance.  They really are beautiful dancers!  It is always fun to see this first performance of the year, so you can see what they've been working on the past several months.
Lexi with her cute little friend Preslee.
Lexi and her group danced to "Fly" by Celine Dionne.  Lexi is such a beautiful dancer.  She was right up in front leading the group.  I was so proud of her.
Here is just some of Mckell's group.  They danced to the song "Tightrope".  Not sure who it is by.  She has quite the moves.  She is a natural.
We were glad that Grandma Wangsgard was able to come see the girls dance.  And she was quite the trooper. The girls danced in different recitals, meaning we were there for over 4 hours watching them perform.  But I enjoyed every second.
This recital is the kick off to our dance season.  Let it begin!!!