Monday, August 31, 2015

~Girls Camp~

It is so much fun being in the Young Womens.  I was so excited to be able to go to girls camp with these cute girls!
It was a stake girls camp this year.  We went up to Heber Girls camp, which was a lot of fun!  It was fun to bond with all of these young women.   They are such fun, sweet girls!
We had tons of fun sitting around the fire, talking, and learning to do the whip.
I was glad Dave and I were able to be up there together.

They had tons of fun activities planned for us.  From a ropes course to crafts, canoeing/water fight, and spiritual firesides.  It really was the funnest week.
I can honestly say that I really missed these girls after I got home from girls camp, lol.  I LOVE my calling!

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