Saturday, January 4, 2014


2013 was a good year for our little family.  We continued to get settled into our new home, which I can't believe it has already been a year since we'd moved in.  Time sure goes by fast!
We went on some fun trips this year as a family.  We went to Hawaii and to Bear Lake.  Then just Dave and I went to New York and to Paris.  They were vacations to me, but to Dave they were just work trips.
Dave was made bishop this year, at the age of 36.  We still are in awe that he is the bishop.  He keeps busy with that and work.  And he and Jerry are still coaching Hunter's basketball team.  Which I know Hunter is grateful for because he LOVES basketball.
Mckell made a competitive dance team, and is so excited to start competitions in the next couple of months.  She also began taking piano lessons this year and most importantly, she was baptized.
I've learned that I am extremely allergic to the glue they use to put on false eyelashes.  I swelled up like Rocky the 2nd time I had them filled.  It took a week for my eyes to go back down.
The morning after I got my lashes filled.
After I had them removed.  I think I may have also been allergic to the stuff used to take them off.  My eyes just kept getting bigger and bigger.
Garrett has had a lot happen over the past year.  From crawling, to walking, to talking, to going into the nursery.  It has been a big year for him with many firsts.
Lexi loves school, dance, and playing with her friends.  She is such a little social bug, and makes friends wherever she goes.  She is such a big helper to me.  Garrett loves playing with her and follows her around the house all day.  He gets so upset that he can't go to preschool with her.
This year has been very eventful with both good and bad things, but I am so blessed to have my family to go through them with.  I can't imagine life without them.  We are so blessed!

Happy New Year!  We are excited to see what 2014 brings.

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