Wednesday, November 30, 2016

~5th Grade Program~

In 5th grade their program is a talent show.  They have the students play the recorders, sing songs, and then they have several students do a talent, from playing the piano to speed stacking. It is fun to see the different talents of the students.
Mckell was chosen to show off her talent of dancing.  She did her competition dance to the song Tightrope.  I am so proud of her for doing this.  I would have been so scared to go in front of the whole school and parents and do a dance alone.  She is amazing!  I need to follow her example and be more brave.  Way to Go Mckell!

Mckell is my best friend.  I love her!!! I am so blessed to be her mom!
Mckell with her friend Sara.

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