Friday, December 9, 2016

~Field Day~

I know I've said this before, but I love that I can go and help in my kids's school.  Field day was so much fun.  I was bummed that I missed Mckell's class, but it was fun to play with Lexi and her friends.  I love how social she is.
Lexi with some of her cute classmates.
Lexi has absolutely LOVED being in Mrs Wadman's class this year!

Monday, December 5, 2016


This last Christmas Santa surprised our family with Lagoon season passes.  It has been forever since our family has been to Lagoon, so the kids were pretty excited about this.  We decided to brave a Saturday and go and get our pictures for our passes.  It was fun.
These are the rides my cautious Garrett only wanted to go on.  He had so much fun in kidland.
As we were getting ready to go, Hunter wanted to try his luck at a basketball shooting game.  Luckily uncle Jeff had brought cash with him so Hunter could play.  Hunter was on fire!  He was shooting baskets left and right.  He won everyone of us a poop hat.
It was funny because people were gathering around to watch Hunter keep winning us stuff.  Finally the worker pulled Dave aside and told him there was a limit to what Hunter could win, and he'd already met that limit, hahaha.  Way to go Hunter!!!  It was a fun first day of the Lagoon season with Jeff and Becky's family!

Thursday, December 1, 2016

~Boating Season is Here~

The kids love taking the boat out!  The water was still too cold to get in (even though Dave tried it), but we still had fun driving around.
Watch Out!!! Garrett's at the wheel!

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

~5th Grade Program~

In 5th grade their program is a talent show.  They have the students play the recorders, sing songs, and then they have several students do a talent, from playing the piano to speed stacking. It is fun to see the different talents of the students.
Mckell was chosen to show off her talent of dancing.  She did her competition dance to the song Tightrope.  I am so proud of her for doing this.  I would have been so scared to go in front of the whole school and parents and do a dance alone.  She is amazing!  I need to follow her example and be more brave.  Way to Go Mckell!

Mckell is my best friend.  I love her!!! I am so blessed to be her mom!
Mckell with her friend Sara.


Mckell has loved being in the school choir.  I love that she participates in extra curricular activities.  It was fun watching her perform at her spring recital.  We even got Hunter to come along to support her.
I love that my kids have grandparents who are always willing to come support them in all that they do.


Dave served his mission in Iowa, so when Mckell got to choose which state she did a report on there was no question in her mind.  She chose Iowa.  It was fun to learn some interesting facts like Iowa is home of the worlds largets golden nickle, it homes the worlds most crooked street, pigs outnumber humans 4 to 1, and it is against the law to kiss a man with a mustache in public, lol.

~Family Get Togethers~

It was fun to have all the family up visiting.  It's not often that we are all together, so we had to document it.  We missed Michelle, though.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

~Happy Birthday Garrett~

My kids LOVE getting breakfast in bed on their birthdays.  Garrett didn't stay in his bed through the night, so he had breakfast in Mckell's bed. (He tends to do this a lot lately.  He will wake up in the middle of the night and go to someone's bed cause he gets scared, lol.  The kids are all good sports to let him do this.)
Garrett is so much fun.  He loves anything Star Wars, loves playing with his brother and sisters, and is such a big helper to me.  He completes our family.
Happy 4th Birthday Garrett!

Thursday, November 10, 2016

~Ropelato April and May Birthdays~

We have a lot of April and May birthdays on the Ropelato side of the family.  My kids love getting together with their cousins to celebrate birthdays.  It's fun that they have cousins their age to play with.
Here are just a few of the birthday kiddos with their cakes.  Mckell, Garrett, and Katelyn.   We also celebrated Andrew and Abby's birthday's. (I really should have gotten a group shot)
Garrett loves everything and anything Star Wars.
The girls had fun playing a game where they taped up their fingers and tried to put lipstick on or something like that.  Such cute girls!!!!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

~Dance Season has Come to an End~

The girls had their last dance recital of the year.  To be honest it will be nice to have a little break.  I feel like we've been living and breathing dance for the last little bit, but the girls love it, which makes me happy.
Each teacher chose one girl from their class who was the Star Student for the year.  Lexi was chosen from her class.  Whoo-hoo!!!  Way to go Lexi!!!  She got a certificate, a medal, and a rose.  So proud of her!!!
Love these cute girls of mine!

Friday, August 26, 2016

~More Dance Competitions~

We are living and breathing dance competitions lately.  Well, that and basketball, lol.  These kids keep us so busy, but I wouldn't want to be doing anything else.

~The Simple Joys in Life~

Garrett is such a little trooper to run with me everywhere I have to go.  We have been to the mall several times and he has begged to ride the train.  We've always been in a hurry and so I've never let him.  Well this time at the mall, I decided to take time and let him ride it.  He was in heaven, and couldn't wait until he could tell Lexi that he got to ride the train.

~Lexi's First Grade Program~

I loved watching Lexi's 1st grade program.  She is the funnest to watch singing because she gets so into it.  I love her to death!

She has the cutest classmates!

Lexi's teacher, Mrs. Wadman, is the sweetest.  For a the program, Lexi had to hold up this alligator stuffed animal of Mrs. Wadmans.  After the program was over, Mrs. Wadman let Lexi keep it.  So sweet of her.  We love Mrs. Wadman!
Lexi did such a great job, that we celebrated with her favorite treat.  Grasshopper shakes at Kirts.