Thursday, May 28, 2015

~The End of Another School Year~

This will be the last and only year Hunter, Mckell, and Lexi are in the same school together.  Hunter will be moving on to Jr High (which I can't believe)  All 3 of them had such great teachers.  It was a fun year.  We are sad to see it end.
Lexi and Melyn with the best Kindergarten teacher in the world, Mrs. Judkins.  They loved coming to school because of her.  She was so much fun!
Mckell absolutely LOVED 4th grade with Mrs. Ellis.  Mckell has improved so much this year with both reading and math.  Mrs. Ellis has been such a positive influence on Mckell and really made learning fun.

Hunter had the opportunity to have all three of these teachers; Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Hyer, and Mrs. Stowers.  In 6th grade the students rotate to the teachers.  One taught English, the other Math, and the other taught science and social studies.  They are a fun group of teachers.
Hunter with some of his buddies at 6th grade graduation.  These are a good group of boys!
I'm really not ready to have a child in jr high and all that goes with it: oodles of homework, early morning school, and dances.   Hunter has grown up way to fast!!!  But . . . Bring on Summer!!!

6th Grade vs Faculty and Adults Kickball Game

It is a school tradition that at the end of the school year the 6th grade has a kickball game against the faculty and parents.  It was a fun game to watch.

The adults killed the 6th graders, lol.  I found it funny that the adult men were in for blood.  They were not going easy on anyone.
I was really glad that Hunter made it on base.  He even slid into home (bloodying up his leg, but it was worth it to him), lol
The crowd in the stands enjoyed nachos and drinks (provided by the PTA).  It was a fun day!

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

~Last Surgery for this Sweet Girl. . . Hopefully!~

Lexi went in for surgery this morning to have her pins removed.  She really didn't want to go back in for surgery.  I don't blame her, but she was a little trooper!
So now we are on to physical therapy, to get her arm working the way it did before the break.  It will be nice to have all of this behind us :)
Lexi with her pink cast before it was removed.  She swears she is never going to get on a trampoline again, lol.  We shall see.

~End of Year Chior Concert~

Mckell loves singing!  Last night we went to her end of year choir concert.  They sang a lot of fun songs.  My favorite were "Surfin Sufari" and "What does the fox say"  Maybe because the kids were having fun with the actions and dancing as they sang.
Dancing to Surfin Safari.

You can't really tell but Mckell is swinging a lasso around.
Garrett was so cute!  He had an old phone we let him play with, and he kept running over to take a good picture of Mckell.  He did it like 5 times.  He's the cutest!!!
It was fun to have Grandma Darinda come to see Mckell perform.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

~Happy Birthday Baby!~

I can't believe my baby is 3 years old!!!  He is growing up way to fast!  Garrett is such a joy to have in our family.  He LOVES dinosaurs, trains, and cars.  He is all boy!  He says the funniest things, which make us all laugh.  His favorite phrase right now is "Ya Baby!"  Too cute.  He is such a good little helper.  He loves to help unload and load the dishwasher, vacuum, and make sure the other kids are doing what they are supposed to do.  We absolutely LOVE having Garrett in our family.  I am so blessed to be his mom.

Garrett has been talking about his birthday for weeks, and couldn't wait to open his presents.  He was certain he'd be getting a dinosaur.  Good thing we delivered, lol.
Garrett was all about opening his presents, and was a little annoyed that I kept asking to take his picture.  He decided that he wasn't going to cooperate with me, lol.
Dave decided that he wanted to get Garrett a special surprise for his birthday.  His very own Razor.  He was so excited and knew just what to do when he got in (I have to admit, I was a little surprised)  He is loving giving rides to Mckell, Lexi, and all the neighbor kids.

Later we had a party with the Ropelato side of the family to celebrate Abby, Garrett, and Andrew's birthdays.  Garrett was so sick of me trying to take his picture that he wasn't about to smile for me, lol.  It also could be because a couple weeks ago he transitioned from his crib to a big boy bed.  Since then he has been getting up every morning at like 6:00 a.m. and then going in and waking up Lexi.  It has made for 2 very grumpy kids in the evenings.  Stacey made 2 darling cakes for the birthday kids.  A choo choo train for the boys and a castle for Abby.
Stacey also brought a pull string piƱata, for the kids
Garrett trying to hide from the camera, lol.  In honor of being born on Star Wars day, "May the 4th be with you" Garrett wore his new Star Wars shirt.
Our May Birthday kiddos.  Garrett, Abby, and Andrew.
Happy Birthday Garrett!

~Dance Competition Season at an End~

Mckell had a great competition season this year.  She absolutely LOVES to dance!
Her group competed in 4 competitions.  At Freemont they won 2nd place, at Northridge they won 2nd place, at Weber State they won 1st place, and at Roy they won 3rd place for their dance "Witches".
For her show dance "Barbies Dreamhouse", they took 1st place at Freemont, 1st place at Northridge, 1st place at Weber State, and 2nd place at Roy.  She got a couple trophys and several medals.  It was a GREAT season!  Way to Go Mckell!

~Baseball Boogie~

It was quite the day for Lexi.  Kindergarten program in the morning, dance recital in the evening.  She is such a doll and the BEST little dancer!
Her teams dance was to a song called "Baseball Boogie".

The girls killing time while they were waiting to go onstage.
I love that this dynamic duo love to do everything together.  They are the best of friends!

~Kindergarten Program~

Lexi is my little performer.  She is so fun to watch singing and dancing because she gets so into it.  Her facial expressions are hilarious!  She puts her all into her performances and so it makes it fun to watch her.  She was darling in her Kindergarten program.
We celebrated a job well done with a treat at Kirts.