Tuesday, February 17, 2015

~Valentines/Presidents Day Weekend~

We decided to head down south for a much needed vaca over the holiday weekend.  We started the valentines day weekend with Valentines at school.
Hunter's box won the award for "The Most Valentinie Box".  The 6th grade students were the ones who voted for the winners.  I think it turned out pretty cool!
We decided that Mckell would use the same box she used last year since it turned out so cute.
We headed straight out of town right as the kids got home from school.  It is so nice to have Grandma and Grandpa's place down in St George that we can escape to when we need a quick get away.  I think everyone else had the same idea, cause Nate and Stacey and Jeff and Becky and their families headed down too.  It was fun for all the cousins to play together.
Garrett was in heaven with all of Grandma's stuffed animals.

Dave got up bight and early Valentine's morning to run out and get me flowers, Diet Dr Pepper, and a balloon that sang "What I like about You".  He is the sweetest, most thoughtful guy!  I'm so lucky he is mine :)  All the other guys were giving him a hard time, when he walked in, for making them all look bad, lol.
We spent Saturday out to Sand Hollow riding the 4 wheelers and playing around in the sand and climbing the rocks.  The weather was perfect!  You would NEVER guess it was February.  It felt more like May. 

We kept our tradition of tack out on Valentines night with our little family.  Normally we do a candlelight dinner.  This year we didn't but it was still fun eating together.  After dinner, the girls made Valentines for each other then we headed out to enjoy the hot tub.
Garrett couldn't wait to go for a ride with Dave in the Razor.  He is such a boys boy.
We rode, then hiked up to the Candy Cliffs.  It was pretty cool, and I was super impressed that the kids made the hike.  Garrett and Andrew had the best seats, on top of their dad's shoulders.  Lexi kept asking me if I would let her ride up on my shoulders, lol.  That wasn't going to happen.

You really can't tell from this picture, but the peak behind Hunter really was far away.  You could only get to it by running down the mountain we were sitting on, then back up the other side of the cliff.  Hunter did it twice.  He were shocked that he wasn't passed out from exhaustion by the time he got back the 2nd time.
The last day there, Dave, Hunter, and Jerry went back to Sand Hollow to do some more riding.
Hunter wouldn't have been doing this if I had been there :(

Dave had fun seeing what his Razor could do.
We had a great time this weekend.  It really was good to get away to 70 degree weather!!!

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