Monday, September 22, 2014

~I Love To See The Temple~

I guess there are some perks of having Dave as the bishop of our ward :).  Today we got to experience one of those perks.  We got to attend the Ogden temple rededication from inside the Ogden temple.  We were super excited to be there and feel of the spirit.
We watched the dedication from the cafeteria.  To be honest I was a little disappointed at first.  You could here the constant hum of the vending machines, and a little bit of clinking dishes (they had just finished feeding President Monson. It was cool to know he was just beyond a curtain from where we were).  With all the background noise, I started to doubt that I would even be able to feel of the spirit.  The talks were great, and the music was beautiful, but to be honest I hadn't felt that strong spirit like I had been expecting.  It really just felt like another great church meeting.  But when President Eyring finished his dedicatory prayer, the spirit hit me like a wave.  It was so strong.  Without a doubt you could feel that this was the house of the lord and that he dwelt here.  It was such a peaceful feeling, yet so strong at the same time.  It was an awesome experience and I am so blessed to have been able to be in attendance to this great event with my family.
I love this guy!!!
Hunter was being goofy :)
As we were walking the temple grounds afterward, we were able to see Elder Holland in person, which was super cool.  I hope my kids will always remember this day, and remember the feelings and spirit that they had felt while being in the house of the lord.

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