Monday, June 30, 2014

~Founders Day Parade~

Mckell and Lexi were both in the founders day parade for Pleasant view. Mckell with her dance group and Lexi for the Weber High cheer camp.  They both looked so cute!
The parade watchers :)  Minus Cassie and I who were taking pictures.  We got TONS!!! of candy at the parade.  Which is funny because it was just Hunter and Garrett who were going for the candy, and Hunter acted like he was too old to chase candy and Garrett was fine with just 1 piece, lol.  It was almost like we had to force them to pick up the candy that was laying right in front of us.  Finally after awhile Grandpa went and picked up the candy, because it was just laying there :)  We really missed having the girls with us to do that.
Richard was good to help Garrett understand what this whole chasing candy thing was all about :)

Mckell on the Dazzle float.  They did a little routine to California Girls.  It was cute!
Ashton and Lexi.  Lexi LOVES Ashton!
I was told by one of the cheerleaders that Lexi was supposed to go on the other float with the older girls, but would not leave her cousin Paisley :)  So she ended up riding on the float with the tiny girls just so Paisley wouldn't be alone.  She is such a good cousin :)
Lexi, Paisley, and Mckell.  The girls had fun being in the parade, but they all said they were dying of heat :)  I think we all were!

~Happy Birthday to the Love of My Life~

Happy Birthday to Dave!
To celebrate, Dave and I spent the day at the theater watching movies.  His choice.  Later that evening we grabbed the kids and headed out to dinner at Prairie Schooner.

We love you Dave!  I couldn't have asked for a better husband and a greater father to our kids.

~Weber High School's Cheer Camp~

This past week Lexi went to the Weber High Cheer Camp.  She loved every minute of it :)  She had fun with all of her little friends and especially loved that her cute little cousin Paisley went to it too.
Lexi and Paisley with some of the cheerleaders.
Some of Lexi's cute friends.
The girls with all of Weber's cheerleaders.  Lexi was in heaven!

~Weber State Basketball Camp~

I love that a big group of kids from our neighborhood go together to basketball camp every year.  It makes it fun for the boys to have friends with them.  Hunter's big highlight this year at camp was getting a picture with Damien Lillard.
Hunter said he lucked out because he was the last one to get to visit with Damien.  There was a big line of kids, and they said that Hunter would be the last one to get his autograph/picture because Damien had to catch a flight.  Hunter was stoked that he got his picture with him :)
Some of the boys from camp, plus Melyn.  Every year I usually get a group picture, but the day I drove we had a few missing.  Like Cole Sparrow, Kolton Schenck, and Blake Messerly.
I wanted to get a funny picture of the boys because I could tell that they weren't thrilled about me taking pictures at all, lol.  They were good sports.

~11 year old camp out~

Hunter had a blast at the 11 year old scout camp out.  He has a good group of friends, and they have a ton of fun together.  The boys from our ward didn't end up sleeping in tents like the rest of the stake.  They slept out under the stars.  Hunter thought it was great :)  He came home saying how great the food was, how fun it was sleeping out under the stars, and that they had fun playing the games.  He is lucky to have Bart for a scout leader.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

~Cherry Hills with Family~

Growing up, my dad worked for Wonder Bread Bakery at nights for a 2nd job.  We loved going late to pick him up because he would always take us in to get twinkies, a pie, cupcakes, etc.  But the thing we liked most about him working at the bakery was the company parties at Cherry Hills. My brother Christian was in town for the week, so we headed to Cherry Hills for a family outing.  It was a lot of fun!  Richard even brought a box of twinkies to share to bring back memories, lol.
 Hanging in the lazy river!

We had fun going on the waterslides, playing in Pirates Cove, and as you can see, playing in the Lazy River.  Dave couldn't join us because he was still at Youth Conference.  We missed him!

~Youth Conference~

Our ward's Youth Conference was held down in St George at Jerry and Darinda's house.  We basically had our team down for the summer games, they left and the youth showed up right after for Youth Conference.  For Youth Conference, they did baptisms for the dead, did service for the town of Leeds, went on the Kanara Falls hike, went zip lining at Yuba National Park, and of course swam in the pool. They had a lot of fun!
Dave and Slade at Kanara Falls
The Youth and Leaders at the pool.  Our ward has awesome youth!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

~Utah Summer Games~

Hunter's basketball team, the Redhawks, came down to the Utah Summer Games to play ball and to have a ton of fun.  All the boys stayed at Jerry and Darinda's house with some of the families.  It really is fun to have Jerry and Dave coach these boys.  They are a fun group!  The first morning there we went on a 4 wheeler ride.  The boys had fun playing in the sand.
Hunter still looks like he is asleep, not sure if Rexton should be riding with him, lol.

Hunter wanted to try to climb to the top on the mountain.

Garrett LOVES driving Grandmas little car around :)
We played 2 games the first day and did the basketball skills clinic.  The 2nd game was a real nail biter.  Not a good game.  Dave got a T called on him cause he was upset with the refs.  We should have won that game, but lost by a basket :(
Of course we had to go back to the house to swim between games :)
The basketball skills clinic.  Hunter won
Silver in the Hot shot competition, which is GREAT!  He had the most competition than any other age group.  Like 30 boys.
I was so proud of Mckell this year.  She made 2 of her baskets!  Way to go Mckell!  She earned a gold medal and 2 silver medals.  The gold was in the Hot Shot competition.
Lexi was a little bummed.  Last year at the basketball skills night, they had music playing.  She was out in the middle of the floor dancing.  She ended up getting a bronze medal and said it was because she was a good dancer.  Well this year she had been practicing her dance moves, but there was no music.  She was bummed because she didn't get a chance to earn her medal for dancing, lol.
Ella, Jasmin, and Mckell with their medals.
The next morning we had an early morning game.  We won!  Then we headed to IHOP for breakfast.

We had a couple of hours to kill until our next game, so we all went to see How To Train Your Dragon 2.
We headed back to the next game, where our boys played really hard.  We lost, but it was a really good game.  After the game, we headed back to Leeds to play in the pool and have a BBQ.
The next morning we got up to go on the Kannara Falls hike.  It was a beautiful hike through slot canyons.

The boys up in the hole in the mountain.  I was a little worried that once we got them up there, we wouldn't be able to get them back down, lol.  But we managed it without any injuries.
Future NOJH basketball stars!
Mckell with her Indian Face Paint.
The Ladder
This hike was really so pretty!
The waterslide

We hiked our little tails off.  The hike lasted about 4-5 hours round trip.  These kids were troopers!  We stopped at Swigs on the way back to Jerry and Darinda's for sugar cookies and Dirty Diet Dr Peppers.  Then did some more swimming until everyone headed back home to North Ogden.
We really had a fun little vacation!  It was full of activities, but relaxing at the same time.  It helps that we had fun people to spend it with.  Can't wait for next year!