Sunday, April 8, 2018

~Weber High Basketball 2017-2018~

We loved watching Hunter play for both Dave and my alma mater, Weber High school.  We were so proud of him for making the high school team as a 9th grader.  It was fun that all his friends and basketball buddies also made the team.  It was fun to watch them all play for the high school.
The Sophmore team went undefeated all of preseason and halfway into the season, then lost one game and couldn't recover from that the rest of the season.  But the boys learned a lot and had fun playing for the high school.
Weber High's 2017-2018 Basketball team.
Calvin, Quinn, Hunter, Spencer, and Ryker on the way to their very first high school game.

Hunter had a very good experience playing up with the high school this year.  I loved how all the boys got along and were friends, from the freshmen to the seniors.  They all were buddies, and I loved that the older boys were such good examples to the younger ones.  I also loved how the coaches were truly mindful of each boy.  Coach Andrews checked in on Hunter everyday when he was stuck home sick with the flu, he came over to the Instacare when Hunter broke his nose at practice, and the coaches were always doing nice little things to bring the team together like taking the boys to Flo Rider, cooking a pancake dinner for the boys, and treating the boys to dinner at some of the preseason games.  It was a fun season.

Saturday, April 7, 2018

~Ice Skating Fieldtrip with Lexi!

I love these one on one fieldtrip dates that I get to go on with Lexi.  This time we went to the Ice Sheet with her class.  Lexi did amazing!!!  She was a little unsteady at first but after 2 times around the rink holding onto me, so was a pro trying jumps and turns.  I love watching her interact with everyone.  She has so many friends and everyone loves her.  She makes my heart proud.
Lexi has a lot of little boy admirers. As we skated around, little boys kept coming up to Lexi telling her to watch this and watch that.  It was so funny to watch.  I absolutely LOVED spending the afternoon with her!!!

~Dance Spectacular~

The girls had their 2nd dance competition for the season down in Salt Lake at West High.  It is fun to watch them dance.
Mckell's team won 1st in their jazz dance, 1st in their lyrical dance, and 2nd in hip hop.
Lexi's team won 1st place and overall judges pick for their jazz dance (for the 2nd competition in a row!!! Whoo-hoo Jr Extreme Team!!!), 1st place in their hip hop dance, and 2nd in their lyrical dance.
A day of dance competitions sure did wear everyone out, lol, (even Buddy).

~3rd Grade Edible Car Races~

I put Dave in charge of helping Lexi make an edible car for her 3rd grade edible car races.  He did a lot of research, bought a lot of  different food options, and tested out several different food choices.  They decided to go with the potato car with noodle axles, and cucumber wheels.
Her car rolled great the night before, but at school by the time she raced, the noodles went limp causing the wheels to fall off.  She was disappointed, but we learned a few tricks we will have to use when Garrett gets there. :)

~Jr High Spring Dance~

Mckell had fun decorating for the spring dance at the jr high.  The theme the officers chose was "Galazy Groove"  I love that she is so involved at school.
Mckell and a few friends went to Hug Hes CafĂ© for dinner before the dance, then came back to our house afterwards to hang out.  They were good to humor me for a picture (Mckell was so embarrassed, lol).  She's turning into a teenager!!!  I'm so not ready for this, lol.
I didn't get any pictures of Hunter because he missed his last jr high dance to go play in an AAU basketball tournament. :(  He lives for basketball.